Protected Learning Time


GP practices take part in a number of Protected Learning Time (PLT) sessions throughout the year to undertake clinical and non-clinical staff training for the whole practice team. All practices across Brighton and Hove close for the whole afternoon around 4 times per year for this purpose. During this time B&HF provides clinical and phone cover to the whole city, triaging patients and providing on-the-day appointments for those that need it.

We continue to provide cover to enable Practice Learning Time and can provide ad hoc phone cover should your practice wish to close for training for an hour or two. Please contact Kate Waller for further details

Practices can still access our pre-employment checks service which has proven very popular with 100% satisfaction from those who have used it. 

The service provides a psychological profile, giving insights into key skills and strengths a candidate may have, as well as providing online tests that can, for example, identify computer literacy skills.

Please contact Kate Waller if you are recruiting staff and wish to use this free service .